Survey – Construction work quality evaluation Your First Name (required) Your Last Name (required) Your Email (required) 1) What did you think about the clarity of explanations provided during the work in progress? (required) Please select one of the following: Extremely clearVery clearQuite clearNot very clearNot at all clear 2) What is your overall level of satisfaction regarding the work done? (required) Please select one of the following: Extremely satisfiedVery satisfiedA little satisfiedIndifferentSlightly unsatisfiedVery unsatisfiedExtremely unsatisfied 3) If there were shortcomings during the conducted work, what was your overall level of satisfaction for the shortcomings that were resolved? (required) Please select one of the following: Extremely satisfiedVery satisfiedA little satisfiedIndifferentSlightly unsatisfiedVery unsatisfiedExtremely unsatisfied 4) What did you think about the actual duration of the work versus the anticipated delay? (required) Please select one of the following: Extremely longVery longA little longDelays were respected 5) What was your general level of satisfaction regarding the courtesy shown by the reconstruction crew? (required) Please select one of the following: Extremely satisfiedVery satisfiedA little satisfiedIndifferentSlightly unsatisfiedVery unsatisfiedExtremely unsatisfied 6) What was your general level of satisfaction in terms of us returning your calls? (required) Please select one of the following: Extremely satisfiedVery satisfiedA little satisfiedIndifferentSlightly unsatisfiedVery unsatisfiedExtremely unsatisfied 7) How probable is it that you recommend Rive-Sud Après Sinistre to people close to you? (required) Please select one of the following: Extremely probableHighly probableQuite probableNot probableNot at all probable Comments If you have any suggestions or comments to help us improve our services, thank you for letting us know. Validation (required) To make sure you are a human and not a robot, please answer the question below. 2+3=?